The Integration process is one of the most important phases of the psychedelic experience.
A journey with sacred plant medicine is a unique experience for each individual – it can take you to deep parts of your consciousness, or reveal information that may be, at times, difficult to process or understand. Even positive experiences need more of our attention to be fully understood at times. We at The Psychedelic Society, are happy to assist you in this process and help you shed light on the messages and symbolism of your psychedelic journey. This will help you integrate the experience fully and be able to take the gifts of your journey with you, to incorporate it into your daily life and enhance your well being.
A typical Integration session consists of several steps that will help you dive back into your psychedelic experience and the precious information it holds.
We start by setting sacred space, to provide a safe container for you to be completely at ease to express and address any of your questions, realizations, worries or doubts.
We then engage the body, through movement, some stretches, some dancing, to let the energy flow and reconnect to our center, quiet the mind and tap into our cellular memory.
After that, we take some time to meditate and do some breathing exercises to reawaken the energy of the sacred plant medicine experience. And finally, we let it speak.
The integration process can take many forms, some people navigate their experience through discussing their visions, some through analyzing the thoughts crossing their minds, patterns they’ve noticed, some people cry, laugh, release anger, need more movement… There isn’t one right way to do it, what matters is that you allow yourself to be fully present with your feelings, and with the energy and changes happening in your body and self. An Integration session is an opportunity to be honest, to be in truth, to be gentle with yourself and give yourself the freedom and chance to be vulnerable and make the most out of your experience with sacred plant medicine. Our role is to provide a trustworthy environment and our years of expertise for you to feel safe and comfortable enough to open up and analyze your experience. Whether you will be releasing old energies or anchoring and manifesting new ones, we are happy, honored and grateful that you chose us to assist you on your healing journey.
We are at your disposal if you have any further questions.
Individual session:
- 1 hour – 35 EUROS
- 1,5 hour – 50 EUROS
Group session:
- 5 people – 1h30 – 15 EUROS per person