Microdosing and Mindfulness

For bookings : mezquita.life

This retreat is specially designed for people who want to start a microdosing process. We will have two microdosing intakes in which we will vary the amount so that you can detect what suits your body and needs. We will generate silence dynamics, we will do a 24-hour fast (optional) and we will propose various activities of meditation, breathwork and creativity to deepen introspection and allow you to notice the subtle signals of your body. We will close the retreat with an ecstatic dance session.

In these experiences we will put at your disposal all the necessary tools so that you can contact your internal healer and thus regain alignment with your true self, your natural rhythms and those of nature.

Microdosing of either San Pedro or psilocybin will be used optionally in conjunction with a daily program of activities:


Arrival in the afternoon

Private intention setting (optional)

Opening circle and intention setting

Smoke cleanse

Group meditation


Morning yoga

Information session about microdosing

First microdosing intake

Silent walk at the mountain

Group meditation in the caves


Morning yoga

Session with a therapist specialized in mindfulness

After lunch, we start a 24-hour fast

Creative exercise

At 7 p.m. we begin a 12-hour period of silence

We invite you to sink into the experience of presence with this proposal of fasting and silence so that you can listen to your body free of stimuli. We suggest that during the time of silence and fasting you do not consume anything not only physically but also energetically: do not read, look at your mobile… During the silence period, we suggest that you dedicate yourself to rest, self exploration and, if you want, you can write.


Morning yoga in silence

We break the silence after practice

Second intake of microdose with higher dose

Soap workshop

Ecstatic dance


Wim Hof ​​workshop on the beach

Integration circle


We are aware that each participant is different and may have different needs. Therefore, we make sure to allow enough time for reflection and nature; there is no obligation to attend all activities except integration activities.

During the retreat we make sure that each participant has a private session with the facilitators if they want to discuss specific topics they wish to work on during the experiences.


5-day retreat in a beautiful beach location on the Spanish Costa Blanca

4 Nights of private or shared accommodation

Meals (vegetarian, organic and local)

750€ everything included


For security reasons, we are unable to welcome you to this retreat if you have a personal or family history of psychosis (drug-induced psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolarity).

If you want to have a psychedelic experience in la Mezquita, get in touch with us and we will schedule an online screening interview.


Double room with private bathroom.


During the retreat we offer vegan or vegetarian meals to detoxify the body. Everything is homemade, fresh and made with love. For the most part, the diet is based on a traditional yogi diet. Vegetables, rice, legumes…

For those who are «omnivores,» this diet will be light and nutritious and provide a higher vibrational experience without feeling heavy or lethargic.

Venue and facilities

The retreat center has a lot to offer:

  • Areas for reading, relaxation and reflection.
  • A spiritual development room where we conduct meditation, yoga, mantras, and other spiritual practices.
  • A psychedelic garden, our medicines are grown on site.
  • A music room, with piano, drums, cajon, guitars and a variety of traditional and world musical instruments.
  • We are 1 minute walk from the beach.

How to get here

The closest airport is Alicante. Many of the major airlines fly here and there are several daily connections from Gatwick, Manchester, Paris, Brussels and other European capitals. From the airport there are several cheap and easy ways to get to the retreat. A taxi shouldn’t cost more than 35 euros.

If you want, you can hire a pick-up service with us for 30€

Reservation and cancellation policy

We require the payment of 50% of the total amount to make the reservation. This amount shall be refunded if the retreat is not held for reasons of the organization. The remaining 50% will be paid upon arrival at the retreat.

The 50% reservation fee can be refunded only if you cancel 7 days prior the start of the retreat. Otherwise, the organization will not return said amount.